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Just got a new computer in our home. The computer we bought is a high end Dell Studio XPS 9100. It’s now going to be used for my dad personal desktop system,  which mean I got his two old desktop which I am formatting and updating the system. Those two desktop will be most likely put in shortage till I get more space in my room and also I am using my laptop as my main computer.

I have to say, the computer is very fast and the processor is pretty decent in speed. Never have a chance to test any major game with it but from the video on Youtube of people testing games on, it look pretty good.

Overall, good computer, maybe overprice for what we’re getting but I do know this desktop will be good for maybe 2-3 years before we need to decide what computer to update it.

It’s funny to realize that you have too many video games in your house and you didn’t really finish any of them this year. This is how I feel right now. As of this year, I have finish at least four video games this year but I have a total of 165 video games in my collections. Talk about spending too much money on new game and never finish it.

Right now, I am trying to complete Untold Legends 2 for the PSP and I am somewhere 40% of the game. I have a feeling it will take me at least a month from the pace I am going.

Another thing happens now is I am still searching for a job. My last interview didn’t come up anything and I am applying couple more positions and now waiting for a response. I do hope to get place before the end of this month.

Well, after seven days of recovering from my exam stress, I start to realize I still need to find an internship job. Right now, I am out of job and this is start to worry me. I already apply at least ten company and as of now, five of those have their position fill while the other five, I am still waiting for they response. I just hope more jobs come out from the college website.

The sad thing from this is if I don’t found a job in a week and a half from now, I have to reconsider of going back to school for the third year. This isn’t something I want right now as I have to update one of my course mark and I don’t think my brain will be ready for another five course for the next four months.  Hope to get a job soon.

Well, yesterday is my last exam and have to say, all the stress from it are coming to the end. Unfortunately, I have new stress as I am still searching for my internship job right now. It suck when you’re suppose to have a job ready before school over but you don’t.

Unfortunately, I don’t think I did too great this semester. It look like I let down myself a bit as I didn’t feel too ready for this semester. Also, couple of students in the class are causing issue in my studies which isn’t help when they kinda stop me to prep myself for exam.

Now that I have no exam, I can go back to play some of the games I want to finish. Also, I am going to watch some of the TV show during my short period of break before I go search for co-op job.

From my previous “My Thought” I explain why I am feeling the blue during this summer time. It suck to realize summer weather is great and you see everyone is having a lot of fun from going out to the beach or watch a movie or etc.

I am starting to take some advantage with this nice weather of going out a bit. Yea, it’s not the same as going to Toronto to have some fun there or meet up with your friend and have a road trip, but it’s something.

Exam is coming up in 2 weeks time and I am still searching for a co-op job. Job right now is slow and from what I heard, few people manage to get a job this semester. I do hope to get a job before my term is over. Don’t like to be the last in my class to get one.


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