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Saw this on Gamestop and was surprised to see this at all after so many year. This is a 3rd party PSP battery (1800mAh version) from China. I heard about this long ago when PSP 1000 was the recent PSP. I was interested for this  as it stick on your psp and become a back up battery when the one in the psp ran out.

Got this for 15 dollars and have to say, it’s 13 dollars too much. The one I got does charge well and will be complete charge in two hours but it get hot when it’s charging. Also, when you fully charge it, you better use it asap as the battery itself will become dead in few days.

The battery itself can recharge your battery in the PSP or use it and will last  an hour and a half. Overall, not worth the price and just buy offical battery.

Got this two game on EB for 17 dollars total. Nothing much to say for both of this games as they’re okay.

For the PSP, I got Untold Legend: The warrior’s code. It’s a hack and slack type game which is fine for me. I actually want to get it because I got the first one and kinda liking it. For this, I got this game. Heard it improve allot of the mistake the first game make. I will play this when I am done the first game.

For the NDS, I got Moon. It’s a fps shooter for the DS which is actually fun to play. It’s really a run in the mill game and the storyline isn’t too interesting. The gameplay on the other hand is what make the game a bit fun. Unfortunately, the control does take time to get into as NDS isn’t design for FPS games.

Just got this game from Gamestop for 39.99 dollars.  This limited edition consisted of  the PSP game, a soundtrack CD, and 13 “bromide” cards featuring the girls of Lunar. The bundle  cost 10 dollars more than the normal game.

From my opinion, 10 dollars for a soundtrack CD and those cards isn’t really worth it. If it’s a soundtrack CD plus an art book of the game, then  I can see it’s worth the extra 10 dollars. In reality, if you’re a fan of Lunar games, you don’t really care too much and I am buying it now as I want to have them in my collection.

Also, the previous Lunar games, Playstation,  have a limited edition which now worth more . This is mostly because the additional stuff they contain.  I do hope XSEED Game remake the 2nd lunar game, if it ever come out on the psp, and have better limited edition than this.

This week,  manage to get two games for my collection. Originally, I was trying to get Lunar Limited Edition for the psp but it’s sold out where I shop at. Look like I have to look around. But manage to get two games.

For Ghost Squad, saw this on sale at wall mart for a budget price of 20 dollars. The game was a port for the arcade which I did try it out once at Pacific Mall years ago. Love the arcade version but never manage to grab the Wii version that time mostly because of the mixed review from the game.

For Hot Pixel, got it for 10 dollars. I try it out a bit and have to say, this is really Warrio Ware game style which isn’t bad. The game is short and sweet and it’s really to be play in short burst. Would recommend people to try it.

Manage to get 16 psp games plus 1 psp demo disc last weekend  for 60 dollars. For my opinion, it might not be the best deal I ever have but for 60 dollars, it’s a bit decent. Those games  are

Harvest Moon Boy & Girl

Warhammer 40K: Squad Command (*)

Sid Meier’s Pirates (*)

Battle for Atluma

Worms: Open Warfare

Me and My Katamari (*)

Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground (*)

EA Replay

Final Fantasy (*)


Bust a Move: Deluxe

Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins

Death Jr.

Untold Legends (*)

Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition

Gretzky NHL

Sampler UMD Disc for PSP (*)

Of those 16 games plus the demo disc, those that have (*) are games I will most likely keep while the rest I will sell them, mostly because I either don’t like them and I try to  limit  how many games I can own per console by 50.  Overall, it’s a decent deal for me.


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